Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A better day

Today was definitely a better day. The kids and I had blueberry pancakes fro breakfast. RJ and I cleaned his room and donated some of the many toys he has. I've been trying to explain to him that there are others who don't have what we have. There are little kids who would love ONE of the toys he has and that he can't miss something he has forgotten about. (Maybe I should do the same with some of my "toys"). I think it is sinking in, as he came out with an armload of toys he DOES play with and offered to give them away too.

We skipped Taekwondo tonight (Matt is still in Scottsdale) and went to play at the park down the street (mama needed a walk) and then had a night in with movies, popcorn and pizza rolls. I got lots of giggles with raspberries on bellies and playing airplane (what a leg workout lifting that 54 pounds of muscle I call son).

Aubrey has been a happy baby the past few days. She is playing by herself more and giving mama a break. I really like this age, when they decide independence is not so bad after all.

I really enjoy days like this, with the kids, doing simple things. We are all still happy and it didn't cost me a dime.

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